Wednesday, August 19, 2015


With Quetico in the rear view mirror, I spent some time processing all the video I collected and invited the gang to our house for a screening.  It consisted of the video segments linked below as well as a slide show of Gary and Chuck's photos.  It was great having us all together again to rehash memories of the trip, especially considering it might be awhile before we can coordinate another outing.  Thanks to the Bandits for a fantastic week of high adventure fun, and I look forward to putting something together again for 2017! I'd especially like to thank Chuck and Lori for putting together and packing up the menu for the entire week (minus the fish fillets of course). That was a pretty incredible treat for us all!

Photos from Gary and Chuck - The lighting on some of these are fantastic! (BTW, I cheated and snuck in a couple of Gary's Quetico/BWCA photos from a previous trip.)

Loon Video (2 min) I linked to this same video previously in the blog.

Canoe Video (3 min) I've always wanted to capture this type of video, and I have my trusty sternmen Jeff and Gary to thank for this.

Fishing Video (3 min) Anyone care to fish and get fat?  Music by Gaelic Storm!

Tequila Beach - (3 min) A quick segment that validated the Sandy Beach as a tropical paradise.  Kudos to Chuck for guiding the canoe on the video fly-by!

Quetico Trip Highlights (30 min) If you got a half hour to spare, follow our adventure from Crane Lake into Quetico and back.  Start at the 7 minute mark if you care to skip the packing and boat ride to get into Quetico.  As you can tell, I'm into maps and Google Earth, but you'll go blind trying to read the little text boxes via YouTube, so don't bother.